Kyabanena Village is located in Kakumiro district, Uganda. This area has very poor water sources. It’s for this reason that this area was selected for Lifewater water filtration systems.
The distribution was carried out by our Lifewater core team members, Caleb Kabaho and Kapipa Stephen, assisted by Pastor Kagurusi the focal person for Lifewater in Kakumiro and also for Africa Youth Award members.
The distribution took place on February 9th and 10th 2021, in the compound of KYABANENA CHURCH OF UGANDA located at the Border of two villages KYABANENA and KYABAJARA. Both villages benefited from this distribution.
Kakumiro villages
The distribution workshops were well conducted while maintaining social distancing, wearing of masks as directed by the government in regard to Covid-19.
The Africa Youth Award members together with local area leaders did a lot of work whilst organizing this distribution, including participating in the distribution itself, which contributed to its success. They helped in the making of holes in the buckets, registration, training and the giving out of Lifewater kits.
Beneficiaries in these areas were all happy to receive these Lifewater systems and promised to use them as told for their own benefit. The local area leaders were very grateful to the AALL foundation for considering their area once again. They pray the Lord rewards all the donors and also makes away for other village members who didn’t receive Lifewater systems this time round.
The local area radio station also interviewed and broadcasted the Lifewater intervention to their area.